Sunday, February 26, 2017

Week 26

  • No after school tutoring on Monday, 2/27, a makeup session is being held on Thursday morning at 7:00am
  • Reading benchmark test on Tuesday, 2/28

  • Financial Literacy test on Monday. Review packet was given on Thursday.
  • STAAR review begins this week in preparation for March 28th. Each day we will review a previously taught objective through use of games, task cards, and math journal reflections. Students can also use Think Through Math to continue their practice at home. I have given out usernames and passwords to most of the class, but still have a few that I need to get to this week. We will begin with a review of decimals. This will include: place value, rounding, adding, subtracting, multiplying, dividing.

  • New book club novels were distributed on Friday (Sorry, blue group! You will have your books this week!) Each student has been given a rotating job: Discussion Director, Story Summarizer, Artistic Artist, Cool Connector, Passage Predictor, or Word Wizard. Each role is important in developing rich conversation, and this means that all members must be prepared with their product to share daily.
  • Quizlet and spelling quizzes on Friday.

  • Earth, Moon, and Sun review Monday-Tuesday, test on Wednesday. Students may use their science notebooks and previously posted videos to prepare.

Social Studies:
  • Weekend homework - Week 14 newspaper, notes in journal and comprehension questions, due Tuesday.
  • Continue working on “10 Rivers that Shaped the World” group project, due Wednesday.
  • Begin looking at northern vs. southern economies in the U.S. and events leading up to the Civil War

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Week 25

  • First and foremost, I must say how proud I am of our 5th graders on their exhibition work and presentations! They put in a ton of hard work over the past four months, and it definitely paid off as they shared their messages on positive global change! Please check out the Roberts ES 5th Grade Site for links to videos and pictures of this amazing process.
  • Wednesday, February 22nd is an early dismissal day. We will not be having tutoring, please be prepared to pick up your child promptly at 12:30pm.

Math: Review of financial literacy - Go Math lessons 17.2-17.7
Problem Solving Quiz on Friday, 2/24

ELA: “Character Analysis” book club projects due on Monday, 2/20. We will also be starting a new novel within book clubs this week.
  • Quizlet and spelling quizzes on Friday, 2/24
  • Reading benchmark test on Tuesday, 2/28

Science: Patterns in the Earth, Sun, and Moon (tides, shadows, seasons)

Social Studies: Industrial Revolution advertisement projects due on Friday, 2/24

Saturday, February 11, 2017

Week 24


*The week we have been anticipating all year is finally here! Exhibition night is this Thursday from 6:30-7:30pm. Students should report my classroom by 6:15pm to prepare for presentations, and parents will go to the cafeteria. Students should be professionally dressed (no jeans or tennis shoes, please). They have all worked so hard, and I can’t wait for them to share their accomplishments with you!
*Valentine’s Day- Although we will not be having a valentine’s party, your child is welcome to bring cards and/or a small treat for the class if they wish (28 students). We will exchange valentines at the end of the day on Tuesday.

Math: Finish up our geometry unit – test on Wednesday. Students will be responsible for classifying different types of polygons based on similar attributes

Reading: Rehearsing Exhibition presentations and finishing character unit. Book club projects were explained and sent home this past Friday (2/10) and will be due next Monday (2/20).  
Spelling and Quizlet quizzes on Friday

Science: Patterns of the earth, moon, and sun, and comparisons of other planets in our solar system.  

Social Studies: We will continue our discussion on the Industrial Revolution and its impact on society and economy. Advertisement projects will be assigned this week and due the following week.

Saturday, February 4, 2017

Week 23

  • This week we will be preparing our exhibition presentations and practicing delivery to an audience. Rehearsing at home is strongly encouraged! In addition, any incomplete art products must be worked on/completed from home. If class time is provided, it will be very limited.
  • DLAs (“mock-STAAR” tests) were given last Wednesday-Friday. I will be analyzing the data that these assessments provided to drive instruction going forward. I will also be sending home your child’s scores in the Tuesday folders this week.

To wrap up our unit on graphing, there will be a quiz on Monday. Students will need to demonstrate a good understanding of how to construct and analyze data within frequency tables, bar graphs, stem & leaf plots, dot plots, and scatter plots. Please feel free to visit older posts for review links. On Tuesday, we will begin to look at 2D shapes and their attributes. Students need to fully understand what a polygon is, and what it isn't, how to classify based on common attributes.

We will continue discussing our novels within book club with a focused look at character traits and development. Students will need to be finished reading by Friday, and they will also turn in their “bookmarks” at that time. Projects will be assigned and due the following week.
Spelling and Quizlet on Friday.

This week we will begin our unit on earth and space patterns: rotations vs. revolutions; seasons; shadows. Study Jams: go to the “Solar System” tab and watch the videos on "A Day on Earth" and "Gravity and Inertia"

Social Studies:

We will finish up our discussion on the War of 1812, and begin learning about the American Industrial Revolution. On Friday, students will be assigned an invention from the era. They will research how it impacted society, technology, and our economy, then create an advertisement for the product.