Saturday, February 24, 2018

Week 22

Math: Polygons test on Monday, be prepared to classify and identify 2-D shapes based on attributes. Student notebooks and review homework are excellent study tools, as well as the tutorial videos on last week’s blog post. On Tuesday, we will begin creating and analyzing data on various kinds of graphs. The following links are a great preview:
A Maths Dictionary For Kids Frequency Table, Bar Graph, Dot Plot
Problem Solving Quiz on Friday

ELA: As we wrap up our book club novels, we will begin working on our character analysis project. Students will be creating a Facebook profile to show an understanding of their character (Due on Friday) Spelling and Quizlet quizzes on Friday

Science: Solar System & Earth, Moon, Sun patterns test on Thursday, science notebooks are the perfect study tool. Be sure to review:

  • Earth, Moon, and Sun facts (similarities & differences)
  • Planets (order & composition)
  • Revolutions vs. Rotations
  • Phases of the moon
  • Shadows
  • Tides
Continue tracking the phases of the moon on calendar

Social Studies: Students will begin an Industrial Revolution project this week. They will choose an invention that came from the period, study it, and create an advertisement describing its features and benefits.

Sunday, February 18, 2018

Week 21

  • Mock STAAR tests this Tuesday (math) and Wednesday (reading)
  • “Shortcuts” assignment due on Wednesday, 2/21

Math: This week we will continue to learn about the different attributes of polygons and classifying two dimensional figures. Problem solving quiz on Friday, 2/23
Math Antics tutorial videos: Polygons, Quadrilaterals, Triangles

ELA: We will be finishing our book clubs focusing on character traits and how characters change on Thursday. Book report projects will be assigned on Friday, time permitting. Spelling and Quizlet quizzes on Friday, 2/23.

Science: We will continue our space science unit. This week’s focus will be on tides and shadows. Don’t forget to track and record the appearance of the moon each night on the lunar phases calendar. Study Jams, go to the Solar System tab and watch the videos on "A Day on Earth" and "Gravity and Inertia"

Social Studies: Causes and effects of the beginning of the Industrial Revolution and the benefits of the new inventions In partners, students will be choosing an invention from the Industrial Revolution era and creating an advertisement for the product

Saturday, February 10, 2018

Week 20

  • Valentine’s day, Feb. 14 - We will not be having a party, but will use last 20 minutes of the day to share cards or treats if your child wishes to do so. If you choose to participate, please make sure that you include all 23 students in our class, there was a pink roster that was given to the students on Friday.
  • Dance show is this Thursday, the 15th. There will be two daytime performances, and the evening performance will take place at 6:30pm. 

Math: This Tuesday we will have a unit test over area, perimeter, volume, measurement conversions (metric and customary), input/output tables, and manipulating equations. Monday will be a review, and on Wednesday, we will begin learning about the different attributes of polygons and classifying two dimensional figures. Problem of the day (POD) quiz on Friday, 2/16.

ELA: We will be continuing our book club focusing on character traits and how characters change. Spelling and Quizlet quizzes on Friday, 2/16

Science: Continuing our space unit and looking at the Earth, Sun, and moon connections and patterns, including rotation vs revolution, day/night and season cycles, lunar phases, and tides. Thursday, Feb. 15th is a new moon and the students will begin tracking the moon’s appearance nightly. Study Jams: go to the “Solar System” tab and watch the videos, "A Day on Earth" and "Gravity and Inertia"

Social Studies: Causes and effects of the beginning of the Industrial Revolution and the benefits of the new inventions

Friday, February 2, 2018

Week 19

  • Valentine’s day is Wednesday, 2/14. We will not be having a party, but if your child would like to bring a small treat to share with all 23 students in our class, they are welcome to. (optional)
  • Dance show on Thursday, 2/15 at 6:30pm

Math: We will continue area and perimeter of squares and rectangles, and begin volume of 3-dimensional figures. There will be a quiz on Wednesday over area, perimeter, volume, conversions on Wednesday. In addition, I offered an extra credit opportunity "Build a House" that will be due on Friday, 2/9. Problem solving quiz on Friday.
Correction: We are bumping our test set for this Wednesday, to next Tuesday, 2/13. Tuesday's test will cover: Area, Perimeter, Volume, Conversions, Input/Output Tables & Graphing.
ELA: We will be continuing our book clubs with a focus on character traits and how characters change. Spelling and Quizlet quizzes on Friday, 2/9

Science:  Earth science unit test on Monday, 2/5. Students may review their notebook notes, videos and links from previous weeks, as well as this jeopardy link for reviewing: On Tuesday, we will begin our space science unit comparing the Earth, Sun, and Moon, and the effects of rotations and revolutions. Study Jams: go to the “Solar System” tab and watch the videos on "A Day on Earth" and "Gravity and Inertia"

Social Studies: War of 1812 (week 11 newspaper)