Saturday, September 24, 2016

Week 6

What’s Coming Up?

  • Book club projects begin this Monday and will be due on Friday.
  • We will be discussing different perspectives within our class novel.
  • Parts of speech: nouns
  • Spelling and quizlet quizzes this Friday
  • NEW quizlet link:

This week we are covering multiplication using two and three digit factors. Math journals will be a great resource for reviewing as well as these videos:
Note: We will be switching back Singapore Math books this week (blue workbook).
Problem Solving Quiz on Friday!

Matter review, test this Thursday. Please use your notebook and recent videos as a study guide.

Social Studies:  13 Colonies Brochure project due on Tuesday

We will be learning about the important leaders of the colonial period.

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Week 5

What’s Coming Up?

  • Early dismissal on Wednesday!
  • I will be holding 20 minute parent meetings (optional) on Wednesday beginning at 1pm, and throughout the following week during my conference period. Please be on the lookout for a “Sign Up Genius” email and link if you would like to reserve a time slot.

Math: Types of Taxes
  • Income, property, sales, and payroll
  • Organizing and balancing a budget
Review for financial literacy test on Thursday
Problem solving quiz on Friday

Reading: Continue reading your books for book club and follow the due dates on your bookmark. All groups will complete their book by Monday, Sept. 26. Reminder: Please do not fall behind or read ahead, this will help promote rich conversation within your groups!
  • Summarization
  • Prediction strategies
  • Subject/Predicates and Nouns
Spelling and Quizlet quizzes this Friday
Science:  Solubility, Mixtures, Solutions
States of Matter MINI Project due Wednesday, 9/21

Social Studies:  13 Colonies
We will start our first major group project on Tuesday. This will involve creating a brochure about the three major colonial regions. More info to come!

States of Matter MINI Project

States of Matter MINI Project 

Due: Wednesday, 9/21

“The Adventures of Bob the Ice Dude”
By now you understand the phases of matter and that matter can be changed to liquid, solid, or gas depending on how much energy is added or taken away from it.
Some materials are solids at room temperature, some are liquids at room temperature, and still others are gas at room temperature. By adding or taking away heat-which is to say ENERGY-you can change what is normally liquid into a solid or gas, or change any other material from its natural phase, into any other phase.

Your assignment is to write a story about "Bob the Ice Dude" in which you prove to me that you understand the concept of phase changes, while at the same time creating an interesting story. In your story Bob, who is made of water, must change into all three of the natural phases in which we find water. That is to say Bob must appear as solid ice, liquid water, and water vapor at some point in your story. You must include all the following scientific concepts (1 point each):
  1. Solid, liquid, and gas (Remember that Bob must exist in each of these states at some point in your story) (THREE POINTS)
  2. You must explain boiling, vaporization, condensation, freezing andmelting (FIVE POINTS)
  3. You must accurately describe the conditions under which Bob changes state including his boiling point and freezing point in both degrees Fahrenheit and degrees Celsius. (FOUR POINTS)

Other than including these scientific concepts (remember that you must define them in your story, and make sure that everything you write is scientifically accurate) you are free to create any story you wish. By the way, your main character does not need to be named Bob. Your main character may be a female! Finally, your main character does not have to start out as an ice cube, but during the course of the story your main character must change so that he/she exists in all three of the commonly occurring states of matter-liquid, solid, and gas.

This project is show to me that you understand the concepts of the states of matter. There are no other requirements. Be as creative as you want. Have fun!

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Week 4

What’s coming up?

Curriculum Night is this Thursday! Parents, please meet in the cafeteria at 6:00 pm for a short meeting with Ms. Epps. From there, you will make your way to the classroom where we will go over some important items about this school year. I hope to see you all there!

This week we will be wrapping up equations, expressions, factors, and divisibility. There will be a test on Tuesday. Your child has plenty of notes in their math journal, as well as assignments/homework from the past weeks, and review videos too!
On Wednesday, we will begin working on financial literacy. This includes different kinds of taxes such as income, payroll, sales, and property.
Problem solving quiz on Friday.

This week we are working in our book clubs. Students will be assigned a book to read with their groups and are required to keep up with their bookmark strategies that focus on specific skills. This first bookmark will focus on developing questions and summarizing the text. ELA: We will start types of sentences.
Spelling and Quizlet Tests will be on Friday.
Note: This past Friday, the students were given a packet containing the next few weeks of spelling lists. They were to label the top page as “week 4,” as this will be the list they are responsible for this upcoming Friday. The following pages should be labeled accordingly, and can be kept at home in a safe place to be used weekly, or in the green take home folder.

Properties of matter: density, electrical conductivity, magnetism, and solubility.

Social Studies:
Colonial America. Students will learn about why each colony was settled and the economic strengths each colony had.

Monday, September 5, 2016

Week 3

What’s Coming Up?

This week we will work with order of operations, simplifying expressions, and solving equations.   There will be plenty of  notes in our math journals to review. Also, here is a great video to help preview what we will be learning:
Upcoming Quizzes/Tests:
Problem solving quiz - Friday

English Language Arts/Reading
This week we will be  finishing up our individual reading level assessments and beginning our book clubs.  Students will be assigned a book to read with their groups and required to keep up with their 'bookmarks' which will help focus on specific skills.  This bookmark will also help develop questions and summarizing skills to guide conversation among the students reading the same book together.
Upcoming Quizzes/Tests:
Spelling quiz - Friday, 9/9 (Last Friday, students were given their first spelling list of the year.)
Quizlet quiz  - Friday, 9/9 NEW Quizlet link: Quizlet week #3

We are beginning our unit on Matter and its properties.  We will focus on what matter is, what it is not, the main states of matter, and changes that can occur.  Below are a few videos that you may use to review:
You will see scrolling topics under science.  Select “matter.”  The three videos I suggest are: Properties of Matter, Solids Liquids Gases, and Physical and Chemical Changes in Matter.

Social Studies
We are continuing our unit on early explorers and also covering essential map skills, which despite technological advances, still come in good use! We will be working on letters to Spain/England from the perspective of early explorers. This will serve as our first display project, so be as creative as possible! Due Friday.