- Parent University - Thursday, Jan. 24
- Roberts Auction - Saturday, Feb. 9
- Early Dismissal - Friday, Feb. 15
- 5th grade dance show, “So Totally 80’s,” - Thursday, Feb. 21 at 6:30 p.m.
Application of perimeter, area, and volume formulas - test on Wednesday, 1/30
On Thursday, we will begin working with input/output functions. Students will identify a rule or function (additive or multiplicative patterns), and create linear graphs based on the rules identified.
Problem Solving Quiz on Friday
ELA/Reading:Book club- analysis of the characters in our book and focusing on how their character traits develop. We will also be identifying verbal/action/other evidence of these changes and determining whether the characters are static or dynamic within their roles.
Spelling &
Quizlet on Friday
Alternative sources of energy
This week we will begin our summative project for our IB unit, Sharing the Planet, in conjunction with wrapping up our sources of energy science unit. The assignment will be due on Friday, February 1st: Students will research your assigned country, and analyze whether the various types of alternative energy that we have learned about would be a good investment in that region of the world. You will rank the five types of energy (solar, wind, hydrothermal, geothermal, and biofuels) from most feasible to least feasible, and describe the advantages and disadvantages to each kind in your area.
Social Studies: The War of 1812
This week, we should be finishing our outlines - 3 causes, 3 effects, and 3 solutions to our problem, complete with at least 3 supporting details (evidence) for each point. A well organized outline lends itself to our next phase, writing our 5 paragraph essays. Note - Students have been asked NOT to begin writing their essays until I (or a mentor) have had the chance to review the outline, and explain the goals and criteria of putting the information in paragraph form. Also, outlines and papers (when we get there) should NOT be formatted with different fonts, colors, sizes, pictures - this shows “playing” instead of working towards our ultimate goal.